have to be organically homosexual to prefer the relationship to mon in order to avoid a role hoo̟ould never oven expect to proximate. But instead of admitting that tho concept is at fault, a good many practitioners blame the good old scapegoat woman. It's her fault. She has rondered the male impotent. But where else could the young man whose case I have cited find comforting love in a sex life? The woman who would be his lover would be regarded as a psychopath who is living with a son.
The cliches regarding feminine goals of behavior are even more removed from actuality than are those of the male, because the stereotype extends to the type of interest sho must have. The upper middle class Viennese female of 1890, with whom Froud had contact, was conforming to a narrow structure. How can we possibly use this as a measuring rod for our women?
Our education contradicts ovory tenet of such a theory. If we educate women in athletics can we brand them for being superb athletes? If a woman competes here with men she is branded as having "penis-envy" or "masculine protest" or being a homosexual. It would seem to me to be simpler to say that femininity is anything that females like to do. If we educate women in science can we criticize them for wanting to be scientists?
In a study made of the I.Q. level necessary for household tasks (3) it was found that some of them can be performed by women with an I.Q. of 60. Can we expect to permanently
confine our Madame Curies to the kitchen in order that they may be considered femine? This is the dilemma of modern woman, living in an anti-female society that is growing more and more so. She still must often select between marriage and a career which means that she lives with women rather than with mon, whether she is or is not basically homosexual.
One additional cliche is that a mother cannot be both a career woman and a good mother. This, too, has boon exploded in a study made at Columbia University (4). It was found that the working mother is actually more interosted in the activities of her children than is often the housewife, who may grow weary of her sonstant life in these activities. Regardless of the efforts to confine